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Phalaenopsis pulcherrima; 'Moth orchid'
Phalaenopsis pulcherrima; 'Moth orchid'

Silene vulgaris; 'Bladder campion'
Silene vulgaris; 'Bladder campion'

Petroselinum crispum; Parsley
Petroselinum crispum; Parsley

Phalaenopsis pulcherrima; 'Moth orchid'
Phalaenopsis pulcherrima; 'Moth orchid'
Working in a darkroom, I shine light through the flowers and seeds and onto the photographic paper. Because the natural subjects themselves act as filters for the light, the images that result are in startling, otherworldly colours and are of arresting beauty.
Each photogram is unique and unrepeatable, much like a monoprint in Art, and so these images cross the boundary between photography and Fine Art.
Jan Ramscar LRPS
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